Trademark for Individual

TRADEMARK for Individual


A trademark is a unique symbol or word(s) used to represent a business or its products. Once registered, that same symbol or series of words cannot be used by any other organization, forever, as long as it remains in use and proper paperwork and fees are paid.

  • A notice of claim to any other businesses thinking of using the same symbol or word as its trademark
  • A legal presumption of ownership, which can help fend off would-be users
  • The exclusive right to use the claimed trademark

Service Includes

  • Online Filing of ONE trademark application
  • Drafting of Form TM-A
  • Advice on trademark classification
  • Documented Follow-up
  • Business hours Support
  • Excludes the reply to Trademark Objections

Required Documents

  1. Applicant’s / Company Name
  2. Business Type
  3. Business Details
  4. Brand/logo/slogan name
  5. Office / Business address

Frequently ask questions

A trademark has to have one basic feature that is it should be unique and create a brand identity for a product. So if a trademark is such that does not create any brand for a product can’t be trademarked.  Like generic word, surname etc cannot be trademarked.

Trademark application can be filed in a single class or multiple classes depending upon the nature of goods and services.


We are happy to help you !!


₹ 7,999

If you have any query please fill the form and we will get in touch within 10 minutes

We are happy to help you !!


₹ 7,999

If you have any query please fill the form and we will get in touch within 10 minutes