Financial planning

Family Protection Planning​

Plan Includes

₹ Free

Health Protection

Plan Includes​

₹ Free

Regular Income Planning​

Plan Includes

₹ Free

Retirement Planning

Plan Includes

₹ Free

Super Income Planning

Plan Includes​

₹ Free

Customize Financial Planning

Plan Includes

₹ 99

Family Protection Planning



Health Protection Planning



Regular Income Planning



Super Income Planning



Retirement Planning



Customize Financial Planning



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Are Indians good financial planners? Find out !

The Aviva Plan India Plan survey finds Indians lack the discipline to create robust financial plans that would secure their futures, thus exposing themselves to unnecessary risks.

Studies suggest Indians have a long way to go when it comes to financial planning !

    • 81% of Indian parents don’t even know the cost of higher education in the future.
    • 71% of parents in India are willing to go into debt to fund their child’s higher education.
    • 3.44% is the dismal extent of insurance penetration in India.
    • 89% of healthcare expenditure is done out of pocket by Indians.
    • 71% of what they will actually need at retirement is what most Indians manage to save up.

The Survey is based on below two index –

Survey Source – Economic Times